Thursday, July 10, 2014
3 days away. so not prepared-barely ran, little weight training & poor sleeping as of late.
hopefully, I can run w/out injury and enjoy the aftermath with friends.
#run #boilermaker #liftmore
posted by kennyB 23:03
Monday, April 14, 2014
great new family dinner this weekend. threw some boneless chicken thighs in crackpot with wegman's cilantro lime sauce. topped with sauteed onions, grande tomatoes, lettuce and cheese. then wrapped it all in a corn tortilla. (get crazy and toss in some #bacon !)
Labels: bacon taco tomato thighs
posted by kennyB 23:39
Saturday, April 12, 2014
got a new car. a slightly used one-2001 vw golf. I think I'm more excited than I should be, but after one day of ownership, it's a fun exhilarating experience driving this car. so I'm looking forward to "golf"ing all summer long!
Labels: #golfing #green #vw #rhymeswithrolf
posted by kennyB 11:06
Thursday, April 03, 2014
had a dream I was racing elephants.
Labels: elephants dream sleep racing
posted by kennyB 22:26
Saturday, March 22, 2014
we're going all-in for spring cleaning. we just offered to double our kids allowances if they do all reg.chores + 1extra super-clean room. #reticent #allin #doubledown
Labels: doubledown allin springcleaning #springawakening allowance
posted by kennyB 09:59
Saturday, March 15, 2014
oh boy, registration for the boilermaker race is coming up soon. not sure if I'm ready physically, or if I will be come July. my heart certainly wants to race, to compete, to train and fight to get better. gut check time, I guess.
Labels: boilermaker running race
posted by kennyB 10:34
Thursday, March 13, 2014
today, 13 march 2014 - I met Warren Buffett. Just a photo-op, but I met a billionaire.
Labels: wb geico warrenbuffett berkshirehathaway billionaire
posted by kennyB 16:58
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Bacon sure saved dinner tonite ...wrapped some chops in #bacon w/side of #tots oven-ready in 35min. #celiac #glutenfree
Labels: tots celiac glutenfree bacon
posted by kennyB 18:56
Valentine's day has past, looking forward to the snow leaving and not being frozen.
posted by kennyB 00:10
...who likes art?
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